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  • Peer Support Skills and Strong Self Care
    San Francisco Sheriff’s Department Peer Support Team

December 2011
January 2011

  • San Bruno Gas Line Explosion
    California Peer Support Association, Ventura CA

September 2011

June 2011

April 2011

April 2011
April, October 2010
November 2009

  • West Coast Posttrauma Retreat, an evidence based approach to treating first responders.
    International Association of Chiefs of Police, Orlando, FL

October 2010

September 2010
September 2009

  • Self Care for the Peer Support Team.
    San Mateo Critical Incident Stress Management Team, Daly City, CA

July 2009

  • Selling your soul to put dope on the table: The Psychological Implications of Undercover Work.
    West Coast Posttrauma Clinicians Meeting, San Rafael, CA

May, 2009

  • Bad Kid Calls: Understanding Emergency Responder’s Reactions to the Death of a Child.
    San Mateo Critical Incident Stress Management Team, Daly City, CA

November, 2008

  • September 11: Predictors of PTSD in Three California Urban Search and Rescue Teams: A clean bill of health?
    American Psychological Association, New Orleans

August, 2006

  • September 11: Expectations, Social Support and Debriefing of three California Urban Search and Rescue Teams.
    American Psychological Association, Washington D.C.

August, 2005

Phone: 510.797.4911
Fax: 510.790.4911
Email Anne:
Office: 3340 Walnut Ave, Suite 282,
Fremont, CA 94538 (No mail accepted here)
Mail: 3602 Thornton Ave #54, Fremont, CA 94536
© 2024 Anne Bisek, Psy.D.